My "snow nose" - much like Steve's!
Snowily yours,
My "snow nose" - much like Steve's!
Snowily yours,
I can fit under collapsible tables!
I like to eat snow, because my big brother does, and he's SO KHOOOOOL!!!
Later, I will post pics that Mom took of Ziggy after he gorged himself.
Then Mom said, "Marley, a watched pot never boils..."
And I told her to go sit down and rest - I'd take care of it! And Ziggy was going to help, too!
But THEN she said "...and a watched Puppy never spoils."
And I completely ignored her, because I'm an independent big boy who does NOT need to be watched!
Here, it may appear to you that Ziggy is the same size as me, but this is not the truth! There is approximately 25 feet between the two of us. Ziggy is a whiny baby who doesn't like to explore as much as I do, so he stays by Mom outside. He also listens to what she says, and comes when she asks him to. What a horrible Sibe!
Example 2:
You will see that, in the background, I am resting peacefully as Aunt Erica tries in vain to catch up to Mom's super awesomeness on Wii tennis. I am so big and superior that I actually need the entire chaise lounge to myself. Again, you will find Ziggy on TOP of Mom, pretending that his head is the size of my ENTIRE BODY. Do not be fooled everypup! This is merely another optical illusion!
Now you can all sleep without a care in the world!
Also, Ziggy is gaining on me. Uh oh!
OK, fine, I was just really tired, and Loki's a weird spy-cat, but still!!
I spend all day being HAPPY - sometimes a pup needs some rest from all the excitement!
WOO - have a marvelous day! And KHONGRATS to Tubey for winning the Michigan primary!! Ziggy and I were very excited to hear of his vikhtory!
If that evidence was not enough for you, take another look...he's super devious:
Ziggy telling my Mom that he's the cutest, and that I shouldn't be allowed to have any toys!
Then, of course, came his butt-in-the-face sneak attack while I was sleeping:
SEE?? You should all be ashamed of yourselves! I can't even look at you...
Be informed. And have a great week!
P.S. Ok...so maybe I'll give you ONE photo of my cuteness...it is not in my nature to deprive everypuppy of happiness...
My Sibernutter buds already khnow, but for those who don't, I did awesome job of giving the humans a heart attakhk on Khristmas. Grandma Fran's neighborhood does NOT have fences, and when Mom pulled into the driveway, I got REALLY excited! She opened the door to get out, and I FLEW from the bakhk seat, OUT the driver's side door, and tookh off into the night. Mom says that all she khould see was my fuzzy butt disappearing into nowhere. After hours of searching, calling the police and khrying, Mom and Dad went inside. Dad went out again, and I decided to khome bakhk. I had never been in that neighborhood before, but I khnew what was up! THEN, I decided to take a tour of OUR neighborhood last week!! I've seen it on walkhies, but I never get to sniff other people's yards. Apparently, the humans did not like that either. Whatever!
Here is me, being handsome in the snow:
I like to hide behind my parents!
I am still figuring this snow thing out...
...and sleeping on human heads is the BEST!!
I'll post ONE of my big stupid brother just to get him off my back:
Marley, being the big mama's boy that he is...when he's not busy running away.
Ziggy Smalls