Friday, May 9, 2008


2008 is a year of decisions - just ask Tubey! In celebration of this fact, I made a couple of decisions this week.

Mom and Dad watched their wedding video on Wednesday. They laughed and had a great time while watching themselves laughing and having a good time on TV. It was all pretty stupid for many reasons, but most of all, it was stupid because I WAS NOT INVITED TO MY OWN PARENTS' WEDDING! Ziggy got crabby about it too, but I told him to be quiet, because he wasn't even BORN yet, so it doesn't even count for him! I pouted a whole bunch, then went to sleep.

Then, yesterday was my Mom's birthday. She didn't even spend it with us pups...she went to that stupid work place! And THEN she went out to dinner with Dad and Grandma (Mom's Mom) and Grandpa (Dad's Dad). TO GET STEAK! Did she bring me any steak? No! Did she invite me along? NO!

So, while Ziggy and I were sitting, bored and neglected, at home, we noticed that my girlfriend Lexi was on the loose in the neighborhood. Lexi's Mom and Dad don't put her on a leash...and they don't have a fenced in yard. Lexi runs amuck in the neighborhood creating chaos, and I am REALLY jealous. I asked Mom why she won't let Ziggy and me do the same thing, and she said something about "getting hit by a car" and "becoming a hood ornament". Whatever, Mom. I yelled out the window to Lexi to come and let me out, when I noticed that my Mom and Dad had left just enough room for me to punch out the screen an escape to freedom. That is when I made the decision to take a running leap into the window screen, over and over, until I too could run free like Lexi!

I yelled and yelled..."Lexi, here I come! Wait for me!" Lexi came up and encouraged me, right underneath the window! I got most of the screen out, when Lexi's parents came to get her. They called Mom and Dad, and Mom and Dad told them to go ahead and close the windows, and put the screen back. WHAT!? SO CLOSE!

I then decided to pout under the table for the rest of the night.

Ziggy decided to poop on the floor because he was still so excited.

Mom and Dad were not too happy when they got home. Now, all of our windows are closed completely. Blah!

Have a happy weekend!



P.S. I have taken on a new job - I am a "Woo Hat" on nights and weekends. Check it out!


The Army of Four said...

Wow! Mom wants one of those hats! I wonder if I could get that job?!?!
Stormy said it's a good thing you didn't get the window open. Something about not having your biped on a leash or something. Though that doesn't explain your mom and dad going out to dinner without you. Maybe your grand parents had leashes for them. That's my best guess.
Play bows and happy belated birthday to your mama!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think your mom and dad are thinking that woo two would end up in Kansas to form The Army of Six!

Happy Barkday to your mom!

My mom was silly and furgot it was THEN!

I'll make her do something to atone fur her sins!


The Daily Echo said...

Mom caught on to the window escpae route here too. Now she won't open the window more than enough for us to fit out snooters in. It's ridiculous! Steak - without you?? That's ridiculous too! But I like your hat imitation. I think I should do that with my Dad!
Happy late Birthday to Mom!

The Daily Echo said...

Mom caught on to the window escpae route here too. Now she won't open the window more than enough for us to fit out snooters in. It's ridiculous! Steak - without you?? That's ridiculous too! But I like your hat imitation. I think I should do that with my Dad!
Happy late Birthday to Mom!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I'm sorry your human seems to be as stupid as mine!

Amici said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom. We hope she had a fun one!

I've tried to jump out a window before too. It was from the second story but my hips got caught in between the windowsill and air conditioner. My parents won't open windows for me and NOW they won't leave me outside of my kennel, especially when the air conditioners are in and there is no one to supervise me.

Nice try Marls....maybe if you keep being a "hat" they'll take you on a new adventure soon. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh marls... we hope woo mom had a good birthday. We love that woo are being a hat. can woo teach me that?

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Wow, so much excitement! I was on the edge of my tail during that story. You make a good hat!

Tell your mom I said Happy Birthday!


BenTheRotti said...

Isn't there some kind of organisation that we could call and report your Mom to? I'm sure there must be laws against that kind of behaviour!! I mean going out for steak and not inviting you is one thing... but not returning with a doggy bag?? Now that is just a SIN! and as for the closed windows.. well.. PUP CRUELTY!!!

Well done to Ziggy for pooping on the floor.. it was thouroughly deserved.. next time chew the couch too!! hehehe

love, licks and tailwags,

Ben xxxxxx

Kapp pack said...

So close, but no biscuit! Love the pic of you and your mom. I'll have to try that one sometime!

Puppy slurps, Canyon