My Mom is annoying me because she hasn't uploaded my super cute pictures yet! Something about "work", being "tired", and "how can I upload pictures when you want to eat the cord that puts them on the computer, but you also cry miserably when I don't allow you in the office, Marley?"....I dunno. Mom has tons of excuses. I will post pictures of itty bitty me, looking really cute and fluffy. I am a big 35 pounds now, and I am starting to get my full big-boy husky face, and my fur is a really pretty red brown, but Lazy Mom apparently doesn't want you to know. How rude!
Ha Woo!

How WOO doin?
Mom laughs at the second picture, because my vet always tells me that I look "stoned" when I go into the office. I don't know WHY she laughs...being told that you look like someone threw rocks at you isn't exactly a compliment...and I thought I was taking very good care of myself. Hmph!
There's a cute puppy. I like how well the puppy types.
Moms are really good at making up excuses. I will be eagerly anticipating new pictures of your handsome self!
Oh the cuteness factor is over 100%! I like the stoned look. I sometimes make that face in pictures too, ha roo!
You were a cute puppy and now a handsome you guy. Wow! Considering what they do to you at the vet, you have a reason for that look.
I went yesterday to get my nails clipped and caused all kind of trouble b/c this lady came in with 4 cat carriers full of kittens. They did not like me at all when I went up to their cages. And I was nice. All I said was roo roo roo. Way too much hissing. I'll do the stoned look next time.
ah tell your mom to get with it we want new pictures. hahaha
Well, my mom didn't think you look stoned, but she thought you looked highly annoyed! You are looking very handsome!
Very cute pics! It really does look like you are giving the annoyed why is that camera in my face again look. I used that look last night when Mom took my pic for my post. YOu should check it out.
the human language is so inarticulate!
I think you should be a member of the handsome red husky club!
Oh Marls. You've melted my Mom's heart yet again. She just gushes over you!
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