Monday, October 13, 2008

Woo Bat!

Most of you know about my work as a Woo Hat...but what many of you DON'T know is that I have been spreading my cuteness around to other species! I would like to introduce to you the final product of my latest project - the Woo BAT:
I know what woo must be is it fair to spread such cuteness around willy nilly, like it's nothing? Like my extreme cuteness is not a precious and rare commodity?

Not to worry, everypuppy. I just felt bad for bats. They are pretty gross looking and clearly needed my assistance. Plus, my Mom thinks my whining is just as annoying as bat shrieks. Whatever, Mom. Anyways, it's not like I gave them my exotic, piercing, mesmerizing blue eyes!!

Happy Monday, everypuppy. If my biped puppy brother doesn't come in this next week, they are going to be inducing my Mom on the 20th. I don't know what that means, exactly, but I assume it has something to do with hanging a rawhide between my Mom's legs until the pup wants to come out and play. That used to work with Ziggy.

Have a good one!




NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I think woo need to go pounce on her tummy!!

AND then pounce some more!!!


BenTheRotti said...

Hi Handsome,

how kind of you to spread the woo factor around. Can you spread some my way.. Mum is becoming a sibe obsessive maybe if i learn to woo I won't be in danger of being traded in!!

I asked Mum what induced meant.. she rolled her eyes at the rawhide theory (does this mean that wouldn't work.. if so then human pups have no taste!) She did start screeching RASPBERRY LEAF TEA at the word inducing.. hmm I think she may have been telling your Mom to drink some!

love and tailwags,

Ben xxxx

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

You'll probably have to make the biped puppy cute too. Bipeds can never be as cute as Sibes, so he'll need all the help he can get.


PS. Maybe the biped puppy will be born tomorrow! Then he would have the same birthday as us, and we know it's a good one!

The Army of Four said...

Wowzers, that bat IS trying to look like you! Nowhere NEAR as cool as you, though.
How cool would it be for your biped brother to be born on Steve-and-Kat Day?!!?
Play bows,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ha roos ha roos ha roos - our Mom doesn't think the rawhide trick will work either but at this point anything is worth a try. All the best to Mom and the new biped brother.

Woos, the OP Pack

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

If the RastaBaby doesn't want the rawhide, I'll take it.

The Daily Echo said...

You made Mom laugh about the rawhide thing. I didn't get it at all but I'm with Turbo - if the little pup isn't interested I would be happy to have it.