Everypuppy....tonight is not a good night.
It started out with Mom and Dad forcing me to watch the VP debates. Mom has some opinions that she'll keep to herself for now...but let's just say, after a point, I just couldn't listen anymore! So...I turned around and asked politely:
Mom...will you turn that off already?!
But she did not listen. So I pouted and tried to sleep.

Fine, be that way, not like I REALLY wanted to watch Animal Planet anyways...
Then, Ziggy was a good Sibe and refused to let Mom take a picture of his super cute face...

THEN Mom flipped to game 2 of the Cubs/Dodgers...and the Cubbies have already given up 6 runs, and it's only the fifth inning...BLAH!

I can't even look.
So then, we went to sleep. Note the sleepy Ziggy infront of the baby bouncer. He is practicing his baby guarding skills.
I, dogonally, cannot bear to be awake anymore. I will now retire to the corner of my couch.
