Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I like to eat things.


Ha woo, everypup! Happy Tuesday! I am going buggy with excitement - the cicadas should be here any day now! Every other suburb of Chicago has been infested, so woos truly is patiently waiting...

I know I promised some pool pics, which I'll definitely get up soon, but today I feel compelled to share my love of destruction. Right now, I am in full blown destruction mode, mostly because I'm teething, and TEETHING STINKS. My humans tell me that I'm nearing the end, but I don't believe it. They ALWAYS hurt, and I ALWAYS want to chew on something...someone...ANYTHING, ANYBODY! Luckily I have my bully sticks, cuzes, kongs and nylabones...as well as my beloved duckie and sheep...but that isn't enough to quench my desire to eat everything. Over the last week, I even managed to eat my water bowl. I am super duper proud of that. I am not as interested in treats, though. Mom just bought me some all-natural cheddar and bacon treats...and no, too much work and not enough pressure on my poor teeth. Here I am staring at one before I shot it under the gate and into a cat. ~>

Anyhow, everything (except treats!) is fair game, including my tail. I do not know why it keeps following me everywhere I go. When I want to be alone, there it is, just waving behind me obnoxiously. It doesn't even listen to me when I catch it! I have decided to put much focus on capturing my tail and destroying it, as I'm running out of other things to destroy. Have any other pups been bothered by their tails following them all over the place like shadows? Did you destroy your tails? My humans tell me that I really shouldn't try to destroy it, and that it will never go away, but I do not believe them.

Happy (not!) tails,


Sunday, May 27, 2007


I am celebrating in serious Sibe style today...it's a bewootiful day, and Mom bought me my very own pool! Pics to come soon!

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Art of Tunneling

What a great weekend! Saturday was super hot (gross), but Mom, Aunt Erica and I went on a really great hike in the forest preserve (trees = shade = much less gross)...followed by car rides and bonfire fun at night. We even popped a tent and slept outside in the back yard! This provided me with the perfect opportunity to further improve my digging skills. As I have mentioned before, I am currently working on my Masters of Hole-Diggership, and I am a very studious pup. I take advantage of every possible opportunity to refine my skills. You'll see to the left, I'm making sure that my wheelbarrow has plenty of space to store excess dirt, in the event that I make it to my goal location of China. Unfortunately, there was a bunch of wood in it, so I had to work on a much smaller scale...though the thought of stealing tasty logs from the humans later on was definitely an incentive to get the job done sooner. I pretended to be big sleepies under my Dad's chair, and once the humans were safely oblivious to my actions, I started my work. Unfortunately, I only got about 10 seconds into the job when I was discovered, but I continued in fine form with hopes that Mom would be VERY impressed. Clearly, she was, as she took a picture of my work, seen at right.
Have a great week, everypup!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, everypup, after bugging my Mom for a while about getting (yet another) USB cord...I have decided that it really is beneath me to comply with a simply request like showing my tummy. It really is too much to ask. It's lots of fun getting my Mom to chase me around in vain, trying to sneak up while I'm big sleepies. I hear everything - hasn't she seen my ears (though Amber has us all beat for sure)?! I am super duper proud of myself, because the best she could get was this:

Ha woowoowoo...I was a sleepy bonfire puppy, but I do not like it when Mom and Dad go anywhere without me, so I jumped up at Mom when she stood up to take my belly picture. I'm so funny!!!!

So, Steve and Kat, my Mom promises to try her best to get a new tummy pic, but the best she has for now is the old pic to the right, which was in my first post. It soooo doesn't even count, since I'm just the littlest ever right there, and my current upside down sleepy positions are much better. I promise to continue to make it as difficult as possible to capture the moment.

I will leave you with my new favorite Bonfire Marley picture...I'm sleepy in this pic...and totally cool. Obviously, I'm sleeping on my Mom...who looks really creepy...but don't tell her that. Wouldn't want to hurt her feelings or anything.

Have a bewootiful day!


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ruh roh - tummy tag!

My friends Steve, Kat and Wilbur tummy tagged me today - this means that Mom MUST get that USB cable. Stay tuned...my tummy post will be up tonight!

**Update - My Mom bought a new USB cord! And she left it at home!! Where it does no good!!! I am going to call Tubey and ask him to tell my Mom how stupid she is!!!! SO STUPID!!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Long time no woo!

Ha woo, everypup...I'm sorry for not writing all week! It's really been a busy one. Mom had her birthday, Dad's birthday is next week, and Mother's Day is on Sunday...it never stops!

I went to the vet yesterday, and guess how big woos truly is? 25.5 lbs! I am such a big boy, but the vet says I have a lot more growing to do. I don't wanna grow up, so I tried to steal her glasses and run away, but I couldn't get very far off of the examination table. FOILED AGAIN!

Speaking of Mother's Day, I've thought and thought and thought about what to get my Mom, and I think I've finally made my decision. A BRAND NEW HOLE IN THE BACK YARD! What does everypup think? I am currently working on my Masters of Hole-Diggership and am hoping to go on to get my PHD! I think she'd really appreciate it.

Mom still has not gotten a chance to upload the pictures, mostly because she still can't find her USB cord. I think that's ridiculously irresponsible. She should keep everything in designated areas, like me. Heck, my duckie doesn't even leave my bed...everything has it's place! I think I like Steve and Kat's recommendation of making her tie it around her neck, like my collar.

I will leave you with a picture of my cat-toy, Loki (thanks again, Mom!). Here she is, asking me to come pick her up and take her places.

I hope everypup and their humans have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Monday Funday!

Guess what?

My mom seems to have lost her USB camera cable. She is really irritated. Mostly because I have lots of new pictures to share, and now they're stuck on the camera indefinitely...AGAIN.

I learned how to "shake" this past week, and I am sooooo proud of myself! OK, not really that proud. It was super annoying for a while when Mom and Dad kept grabbing my paw and saying "shake" over and over, like I didn't know what they wanted or something. I totally knew, but now I'm sick of hearing it, so I do it just to placate them.
I got to stay with Grandma this weekend, and that's always a blast because I get into the good stuff every time I'm there...WITHOUT FAIL. Mom and Dad went on a mini-vacation for their birthdays and had the audacity to not bring me along, so obviously I had to really freak them out with something. Lo and behold, the evidence was left behind last night after a potty session. Treat of the weekend: BIRTHDAY CANDLES! I'm sneaky!
Since all my cool new pictures are on Mom's camera, I'll just leave you with a stunning picture of my face.

Look into my eyes....

Alright, everypup - have a great day!



Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Skunks are stupid

Hawooooo, pups. I'm in a bit of a bad mood today...mostly because skunks really are stupid. I used to love love love playing behind our shed, because of course, that's where Mom and Dad can't get me. With all of the wood piles and wonderful things that I should not be playing in, it really was hard to resist. But a stupid family of stupid skunks moved in underneath it, and now I can't go back there without smelling like a rotten egg! This disturbs me most, not because of the fact that I am stinky...because clearly I am not EVER that stinky...but because now I don't have any special "YOU CAN'T GET ME!!!!" spaces! The picture above is from when I was just a little pup, and I could hide behind the air conditioning unit, but now I'm a big boy and I can't so much fit back there. What's a pup to do?

Mom is freaking out about all of the recall issues, and so I am. These are scary times. I am on prescription food right now, but I'll be off of it soon, and I just can't but help to still be scared. Mom says she's looking into the best alternative options. Cross yer paws that this whole mess will soon be over....

Yawns, grumble grumble!
