Thursday, July 31, 2008

Farewell to a lovely lady

It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to the lovely, irreplacable Kelsey Ann. She passed over to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. Her family already misses her so much, and so do we (as well as all the SMS and DWB folks!). You were a beautiful girl that brought great joy to your loved ones, Kelsey Ann, and you will be sorely missed.

Sad woos,

Monday, July 28, 2008


Mom keeps saying just how "cute " this picture of Ziggy is:

Ziggy is eating it up, being a big cheeseball and whatnot. Boring! What he doesn't understand is that their new nickname for him, "Piggy", is actually a HUGE insult, as I have learned the following about pigs:

1 - They hang out in poop (like baby Ziggy)

2 - They are not at all fluffy

3 - People eat them

HA! Ziggy is so clueless sometimes!

For those who have common sense, here are some pictures that actually qualify as "cute": are welcome.

Here is a picture that Mom tried to take of her belly, but really you get a great shot of her armpit (ew) and double chin from scrunching her face up. This is a case where fluffiness would really benefit her:

When she looked at the picture, she took another one of her face to make sure she still had a neck:

Thankfully, she did.

Here's a picture of my Dad at a wedding, where he was a groomsman. One of the guests brought moonshine (yes, moonshine). Apparently this made Dad think he could fly or something:

I am glad that I was not there to be totally embarassed by him. Mom, on the other hand, was witness to it, and captured it on camera for all posterity.

Finally, here are Ziggy and I working together to break through and get some info from Loki the Snitch. **

Um, yeah....moving on...

That's about it. The parents have been super busy lately. Mom says that she just wants to sleep for a couple of days. That sounds really boring.



**Ed. note: No Lokis were hurt in the capturing on this image. She actually walked right on up in between them, and Marley and Ziggy felt the need to question her a bit...but it is mostly just sniffies, and then she turns on her back. They do not bite down on her. She also has all of her claws. Do not worry!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Mom and Dad went to Eagle River without us. Now they are back. We are happy, but we wanted to show our disapproval so that it would never happen again.

Effective? We shall see!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Biped is coming

Woo -

I was wooing to my friend Tubey a while back, and we were discussing the stupidity of humans, which led to talk of the biped that Mom is growing in her stomach. I sincerely hope that this mini-biped will not be as stupid as most other humans appear to be, and I really am starting to feel pretty good about it. How could anything go wrong with Ziggy and myself in charge? Chances are, little Dylan will be the SMARTEST biped there ever was! It sure helps to have our future president on my side, too!

I started to discuss what the little biped was going to look like, based on family traits. Blue eyes, light hair, stunning facial features...all the good stuff. I asked him if his talented human would possibly be willing to create a portrait of what the little biped will look like based on my description, and she agreed!! I think Tubey's human did a pawesome job - this child will be a STUNNER:

I gotta say - I'm pretty excited about this!



Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Crate Crazy finally happened. Woos truly and his partner in crime, Mr. Ziggy, have gone back to day crating. Something about Ziggy peeing on the floor and eating part of the couch. Whoops.

I'm OK with it. I'll even go in my crate on my own! Ziggy is starting to follow suit. I told him that it's OK, and it's probably best for our safety, as well as the mental health of Mom...which directly impacts how many treats we get!!

We still sleep with Mom and Dad, though. Ziggy and I both start out under the bed, because Z-man does not like to fall asleep alone, but he also doesn't like sleeping ON the bed. I like to make him feel safe. Once he falls asleep, I jump back up on the human bed and curl up in a dognut. OK, fine...sometimes I do the stretchies and kick Mom, but that's just a love tap! Z-man is usually the first to wake up, and has no quams with poking Mom in the eye with his snooter to let her know that he'd like to go outside, please!

Mom's a little scatterbrained, lately...or so she says. I have not seen her brains scattered anywhere, and her head looks like normal, so I'm not sure what she's talking about...but she definitely is a little crazy and a little spacey.

Here are Ziggy and I, not snuggling or anything, because we're tough guys!! (Human note: as the Rasta Boyz know better than to pose for any picture, I attempted to take this with my camera phone - hence the poor quality!)

