Hope everypuppy has a good one!
Ziggy tried to tell me that he was allll the way over by the wall and had no interest in my toy, but I knew better!
You can see that he was waiting for me to fall asleep...look at that mischevious snooter in the background!
Keep waiting, little brother. Keep waiting.
Finally, here is a picture of my cute feets. Fluffy pink Sibe feets rule! Mom calls them "Frito Feets" because they smell like Fritos. Bet you'll never think of Fritos the same way!
That is all, everypuppy (and kitty...and other furiends)!
Have a good one. The stupid snow MELTED here yesterday, then all of the water froze again over night. I had 2 feet of snow, and now the back yard is an ice rink!!!!
Mom...this is horrible husky press!!
No, I am not looking. I will just sit here and dazzle you with my amazingly calm demeanor and extreme loyalty.
The Woo Hat
Monitoring baby progress!
What are WOO looking at?
Ziggy, after moving to the South post!
As you can see, we are just very busy puppies. This is a 24/7 job, you know. Mom and Dad are lucky to have such diligent pups like Ziggy and me on hand.
I am off to take a nap. Mom and Dad are grumbling something about me "tooting all over the basement". Hey - it's the price you pay for good security!
Mars Bar